Brilliant Answers by Banta but the
teacher gave him '0' marks only
Q- In which battle did Tipu Sultan
A- His last battle !
Q- Where was the
declaration of independence signed?
A- At the bottom of
the page !
Q- What's the main
reason for Divorce?
A- Marriage!
Q- river Ganges flows
in which state?
A- Liquid state !
Q- When was Mahatma
~ Tudia Setahun Sekali Update ~
.: SALAM :.
Uiiiii tudiaaa tudiaaa.....
Tiba2 tergerak hati nk bukak blog....tgk post 2017 ada sekali, 2018 ada
sekali, dan skrg dh 2019....
Hahhaa adoiii....
5 years ago